7 Quick Takes: Resurrection


1. Hello, all! Happy Easter!!!!!! How was everyone’s Lent and Easter? My Lent was uneventful; I gave up all social media, and after the first few days, I actually started to enjoy it! It was nice to be away from the torrent of information and to be out of the loop for a while. I’m still getting used to being able to check Facebook/Twitter/Instagram. I did think about this blog a lot, and whether I should delete it or keep going. Writing does not come naturally to me. However, I don’t think I should let go of this little corner of the internet just yet.
Easter was glorious! I stayed in SA for the first time ever and got to experience the entire Triduum at my parish. It. Was. Amazing.

2. What I’m reading these days:
*”Story of a Soul” St. Therese of Lisieux – Is there really ever a bad time to re-read this? NOPE. 🙂
* “Thug Kitchen” – I flipped through this on a recent trip to Barnes & Noble. It’s basically a vegan cookbook, except with things I would actually want to eat. I was mildly interested, but not enough to cough up $30, so imagine my delight when I saw it at the library yesterday! I’m always looking for new recipes for meatless Fridays that don’t involve tuna or quiche. F-bombs abound, but the recipes look appetizing and I’m excited to start cooking my way through this.

3. This past week, I bought some hot pink carnations on a whim and I seriously underestimated how much of a mood booster they would be. I love looking up at my bookshelf and seeing that pop of color, so I’m definitely going to make this a Thing. Don’t they look sweet?


4. “With Scars and All” – The Jesuit Post
“They say he’s coming back, but I can see the marks they left. He will never be the same.”
Read it and weep. I did.

5. Here is a gratuitous picture of my parish all decked out for Easter. You’re welcome. 🙂


6. I’ve been trying to eat healthier lately (see Take #2), so I bought a cauliflower. This is how my brain works. Naturally,I have no idea what to do with it. I suppose I could just roast it in the oven, but with what spices?

7. Friday funny:

Go see Kelly for more Quick Takes!