Happy Divine Mercy Sunday!

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“I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day, the very depths of my tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of my mercy. …Let no soul fear to draw near to me, even though its sins be as scarlet.”

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“The greater the sinner, the greater his right to God’s mercy.” Saint Faustina

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“Do not be afraid to ask God’s forgiveness! He never tires if forgiving us, like a Father who loves us. God is pure Mercy.” Pope Francis


“The flames of mercy are burning me. I desire to pour them out upon human souls. Oh, what pain they cause me when the do not want to accept them!” -Jesus to Saint Faustina

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Jesus, I trust in you! Jesús, en ti confío!

7 Quick Takes: Resurrection


1. Hello, all! Happy Easter!!!!!! How was everyone’s Lent and Easter? My Lent was uneventful; I gave up all social media, and after the first few days, I actually started to enjoy it! It was nice to be away from the torrent of information and to be out of the loop for a while. I’m still getting used to being able to check Facebook/Twitter/Instagram. I did think about this blog a lot, and whether I should delete it or keep going. Writing does not come naturally to me. However, I don’t think I should let go of this little corner of the internet just yet.
Easter was glorious! I stayed in SA for the first time ever and got to experience the entire Triduum at my parish. It. Was. Amazing.

2. What I’m reading these days:
*”Story of a Soul” St. Therese of Lisieux – Is there really ever a bad time to re-read this? NOPE. 🙂
* “Thug Kitchen” – I flipped through this on a recent trip to Barnes & Noble. It’s basically a vegan cookbook, except with things I would actually want to eat. I was mildly interested, but not enough to cough up $30, so imagine my delight when I saw it at the library yesterday! I’m always looking for new recipes for meatless Fridays that don’t involve tuna or quiche. F-bombs abound, but the recipes look appetizing and I’m excited to start cooking my way through this.

3. This past week, I bought some hot pink carnations on a whim and I seriously underestimated how much of a mood booster they would be. I love looking up at my bookshelf and seeing that pop of color, so I’m definitely going to make this a Thing. Don’t they look sweet?


4. “With Scars and All” – The Jesuit Post
“They say he’s coming back, but I can see the marks they left. He will never be the same.”
Read it and weep. I did.

5. Here is a gratuitous picture of my parish all decked out for Easter. You’re welcome. 🙂


6. I’ve been trying to eat healthier lately (see Take #2), so I bought a cauliflower. This is how my brain works. Naturally,I have no idea what to do with it. I suppose I could just roast it in the oven, but with what spices?

7. Friday funny:

Go see Kelly for more Quick Takes!

Random Update of Random

Hey, y’all! Happy Easter! I hope you are still partying, because I totally am. Alleluia!

I was lucky enough to get to go home for Easter weekend, and that’s always, always super fun. I spent my time in the RGV eating, talking, going to Mass, talking, sleeping, talking, flying kites, and did I mention talking? Seriously, though, my family is an Catholic extrovert’s dream.

How I spent my Easter vacation.

I finished both The Namesake and Between Heaven and Mirth. Real quick about those two books: I didn’t realize that I’d already seen the original talk on which Between Heaven and Mirth is based, and while I enjoyed it in book form, I feel like I would’ve enjoyed it more if I hadn’t seen the talk first. Such is life. I still highly recommend it, though! The Namesake was good, too! I now want to READ ALL THE JHUMPA LAHIRI BOOKS.

In case you live under a rock, just letting you know that this happened yesterday:

So epic. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to watch it because of work, but I saw plenty of pictures and a couple of news clips. Also, my aunt and uncle were there (I KNOWWWWW), so I’m looking forward to their descriptions! I was talking to a friend about Pope St. John XXIII, and we both agreed that 1) we know almost nothing about him and 2) we definitely need to get to know him better! So if you have any favorite quotes or pictures or whatever, send them my way!

I promise to try to blog more! I’ve had lots of thoughts knocking around in my head, and I definitely need to be more disciplined about setting them down somewhere instead of letting them evaporate in my head. Easter resolution!

I think I’ve pretty much caught you all up on my life now. Have a lovely day!